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Monday, September 5, 2011

Unique and Special

I have often encountered the following interview questions:
·               What makes you the best person for the job?
·               Why should I hire you?
I think both of the above questions imply that the interviewee needs to be competitively more educated, more experienced, and more able than a colleague. To me my reason for applying for a job is to work in a collegial atmosphere with equals and for equals. So I think it is better to ask what makes me unique and special.
My answer has to do with the way I view the people I serve and serve with. Whether you call them customers of guests, patients or clients, or consumers of a service, they are human beings. When trying to sell a good or service to a potential customer, I believe it is absolutely necessary to know in your heart that those who employ you to perform a service or create a product deserve the best you have to give.
As a teacher that means
·                  I come to work prepared and organized
·                  My students are not animals corralled and made to wait
·                  Nor are they soldiers marching in step and following orders
·                  Students are all different as their fingerprints
·                  Lessons have a plan and flow
·                  Activities enhance and deepen the lesson and have authentic application
·                  Homework gives meaningful practice
·                  I am always improving myself and my practice
As a writer that means
·               My readers deserve reading that is easy to follow
·               My readers need a reason to read
·               They do not all like the same thing presented in the same way
·               They deserve nonfiction that is factual
·               They deserve fiction and nonfiction that entertains
·               They deserve stories that honor their intelligence
·               They deserve information they can use
·               They deserve material that makes them think
·               I am always working to improve my skills
Since I am also a student, reader, and purchaser of goods and services I have expectations that if not fulfilled will cause me to look elsewhere. I expect of myself no less than I expect of others.
·                     I do not want a push to buy or buy into anything that is not well organized
o        I expect treatment like I am a valued human being
o        I expect to understand and be understood
o        I expect high quality
o        I deserve goods and services that will enhance my life
o        I deserve material that is factual
o        I deserve goods and services that stimulate my curiosity and creativity
o        Consider my financial, physical, spiritual and intellectual well being
My view of the students and customers is why you should contract with me. I am just as intelligent, knowledgeable as all the others. But I will give you the best service based on the way I treat and value my clients, students and readers the same as I deserve to be treated and valued.

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